After a year and a month without doing one, I got around to reviewing a short. This one tells us the dangers of homosexuals in the 50's:
Boy's Beware
Reminder: The Third Screener poll ends tomorrow evening. So if you haven't voted, vote now before it's too late!
I'm gonna work on the calendar for August tonight so that'll be up by Tuesday night or Wednesday the latest.
I'm also gonna be doing a entire renovation on the site but before I do I wanna ask some questions and I hope, hope, HOPE all of you answer, since you guys read this. I just write it and put it up there, so I wanna make reading the site a plesant experience.
1. Does the white words on black background bother you guys? I'll probably keep the starry background but in the box where the text is held I can change the box to a different color and make the words black if it does.
2. I'm thinking of not only have the list of movies reviewed in alphabetical order but in chornological order as well. Does that appeal to anyone, that way if you missed out on some updates and wanna look for the past five reviews I've done, you can just look it up that way. I also might break up the alphabetical order into half or thirds, since I'm at like 100+ right now, and the list on the page is getting kinda long.
And finally, the second anniversary is coming up in August! Holy crap!! I'm gonna be doing something kinda special for that. I'm not sure what exactly but I'll be doing something.
Ok, that's it for now.
Thanks and hope to hear back from you guys!
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