Friday, February 20, 2009

The Fight for #1: Week 8

Here's last week's Top Ten in case you forgot:

Coming out this week:
Madea Goes To Jail-Bought to you by Tyler Perry
Fired Up-A Cheerleading Movie telling us it's not a cheerleading movie despite the fact there's cheerleading going ON in the movie. But whatever.

My choice goes to Madea cause it's got the success of the previous Madea movies going for it. But I've been wrong before (Looking at you, Paul Blart.)


Anonymous said...

i'ma go with fired up.

secret -- i usually just go with whatever movie i've seen more ads for that week. i figure the one with the more promotion will probably make the most money. course, that strategy hasn't done that well by me.

Anonymous said...

I love Madea! So Madea!

Fletch said...

Friday da 13th.

I'm holding out hope that the Madea train is running out of steam...

Unknown said...

I'll say Friday the 13th.

No real reason why, I just feel it. That's what she said.

MSTjunkie said...

Criswell predicts Friday the 13th will be this week's winner.