Oh, now what?! Didn't you just change shit two months ago?! Why don't you make up your mind, dick-bag??
Well, since you asked oh so nicely...
-The video reviews aren't doing as well as I thought they were going to be. And they're really not as fun to put together as I thought they would. It's pretty time consuming and while working on the third one for "The Green Slime" I couldn't find video footage of the movie anywhere to put in the video, and I didn't wanna cheapen it by just filming my TV. Plus, I didn't get a whole lot of feedback on the previous two. I got SOME but not enough to keep going with it. So I'm putting a ka-bosh on that. What's a ka-bosh anyway? Does anybody know?

Why don't you Google it, you fucking retarded limp dick?!
...Anyway, onto the second thing, and this is a biggie:
-In December, I will be getting rid of The Site. I will only do reviews here on The Blog, and I will try to have the dotcom name transferred here to The Blog. I am doing this mainly for monetary reasons. I don't know if anyone is aware of this, but I actually PAY money for the space on The Site and whatnot. And after looking through my stat counter a couple of weeks ago, I found out many people don't visit The Site. So I don't really see the need to have it if everyone just visits The Blog. And I have been told by several close friends they visit the Blog more, and don't understand why I have two places where I do reviews.

Because you're so full of yourself, ass hat!
And they're right, I don't need two places. So with that, sometime in December The Site will be no more and hopefully I won't have a problem with the domain name. We'll see.
And that's it really. Me and Nolahn are still gonna do The Lair, I'm still writing stuff for Man, I Love Films. I'm involved with a few small secret projects that'll come to light someday. So I'm not going anywhere.

Shut up!
I'd say at least two big secret projects and one small one. Or one big one, one big one that's not really a secret much anymore (zombie), and one small one.
At least for the ones that involve me.
Sounds good to me. Best to streamline your efforts. As someone who has made and abandoned a number of websites, I understand.
I've thought a few times about a video feature, but it just seems way too time consuming right now. Although, I enjoy watching everyone else's videos.
James, if you start a video feature having denied me your face, I'll stab you! :P
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